Can You Worship a Jealous God?
During a conversation with an acquaintance, we were discussing his reluctance to believe in the God of the Bible. When I asked him what was his primary reason for not believing, he told me that he just could not believe in a God who was selfish. He had been taught all of his life that selfishness is wrong, and he was not selfish. How could he worship a God that did not even measure up to the standard that he, himself practiced?
His accusation of God was based on first of the Ten Commandments, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). He reasoned that if someone wanted to worship a different god, it was selfish of God not to allow that. After all, God even admitted that he was a jealous God, and isn't jealousy a sin?
How would you respond to that question? Can you worship a God who is jealous? Is God's jealousy evidence of a weakness in God's character?
Let’s first look at what is true of God. His existence is eternal, meaning that he has always been. He had no beginning and will have no end. As the eternally existent God, he is the Source of all things, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them. Before he created, he was not alone, because he eternally exists as three Persons - Father, Son and Spirit. He is entirely sufficient within himself, and enjoys the love and fellowship that is shared within the Trinity. He is transcendent above and beyond all things. Nothing has even been, nor will ever be equal to him.
God’s creation is an outpouring of the love that is shared within the Trinity. He created us so that we may know of his glory and share in his love. As the Most High God, he is worthy of adoration, worship and praise from what he has created. It is not something that he needs from us. His glory is not diminished when we refuse to worship him. It is we who suffer, for when we do not worship him, he does not withhold his love from us. It is we who reject his love.
When we understand this, who God is and how he loves us, it is clear that God is not at all selfish in his command that we shall have no other gods before him. We may think that we will find something better if we turn to other gods, but it is utter futility on our part. We have nothing of value to gain, but we forsake the glorious love and fellowship of the God who loves us.
Then what about jealousy? Is it sinful for God to be jealous? To answer this, we must understand the meaning of God’s jealousy. There is a right jealousy and a wrong jealousy. When we become jealous of another person because they have something that we want for ourselves, but are not entitled to it, that is sinful jealousy. But when we are jealous for something that is rightfully ours, our jealousy is righteous. If I were to give my affections to another woman, my wife would have every right to be jealous of that woman, and angry with me. Since I have promised to be her husband, my affections belong to her, and only to her.
In the same way, God is jealous for his own creation. He does not desire something that is not rightfully his. We are his creation, and he is protective of the worship to which he is entitled. He created us to make his glory known. When we worship him, we magnify his glory and bask in the fullness of his love.
So, can you worship a jealous God? I cannot comprehend why anyone would choose to worship another!