Shall We Continue in Sin?
If salvation is by God's grace, not by works, there is nothing you can do to earn God's forgiveness of sin. And since Scripture teaches that once you have trusted in Christ, he will never leave you, what motivation is there to not continue to sin?
This is a common question from many who are hearing the gospel message for the first time. It's also the rationale that is used by Christians who decide to return to sinful habits and practices. After all, life is short and there is pleasure in sin. Doesn't God want us to be happy?
Four Reasons to Abandon Sin
1. Jesus shed his blood to atone for your sin.
Sin leads to death … always. Romans 5:12 says, “When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.” The wages of sin is death, and sin is the reason that Jesus died for you. His blood paid the penalty of death for your sin. Think about that — anytime you sin, the blood of Jesus is applied as payment for your sin. Would you choose to trample on such a great sacrifice?
2. Jesus not only paid the penalty for sin, he freed you from its enslaving power.
Did you know that sin has power to enslave? Jesus told the Pharisees, who did not believe he was the Son of God, “Everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin” (John 8:34). Later, Paul would write “We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin” (Rom 6:4).
When you trusted in Christ to save you from sin, you identified with him in his death on the cross. Jesus broke the power that sin and death held over you so you could be set free. You are no longer enslaved by sin. And since sin is no longer your master, you live under the freedom of God’s grace. Don't choose to subject yourself to slavery under a master that has no power over you. You now belong to Christ!
3. How can sin which leads to death, be good for you?
Would you look back and say, “Man, my life was better when my heart was infested with sin!”? Sin is only pleasurable for a season, but it always produces guilt, shame and regret. There was a reason you turned to Jesus Christ to save you. Why would you want to go back?
4. The Spirit of God lives within you!
When you put your trust in Jesus to save you, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in you. Your body has been made a temple of God! He has created a new nature in you, and enables you to pursue a life of holiness, one that pleases God. When you choose to sin, he convicts you of your sin so you will confess and repent of it. He is working in you to mold you into the image of Christ!
When you consider what Christ has done for you, why would you choose to continue in sin? He has extended his grace to you so you can be free from sin. Be thankful for what he has done, and let your heart be filled with gratitude!
(All scripture references in this post are taken from the New Living Translation)